Classes within the AngouriMath.Entity.Set namespace
This is the most abstract set. Technically, you can describe
any set within this one. Formally, you can define set A of
a condition F(x) in the following way: for each element x in
the Universal x belongs to A if and only if F(x).
using AngouriMath; using System; using static AngouriMath.Entity.Set; using static AngouriMath.MathS; using static AngouriMath.MathS.Sets; var set1 = Finite(1, 2, 3); var set2 = Finite(2, 3, 4); var set3 = MathS.Interval(-6, 2); var set4 = new ConditionalSet("x", "100 > x2 > 81"); Console.WriteLine(Union(set1, set2)); Console.WriteLine(Union(set1, set2).Simplify()); Console.WriteLine("----------------------"); Console.WriteLine(Union(set1, set3)); Console.WriteLine(Union(set1, set3).Simplify()); Console.WriteLine("----------------------"); Console.WriteLine(Union(set1, set4)); Console.WriteLine(ElementInSet(3, Union(set1, set4))); Console.WriteLine(ElementInSet(3, Union(set1, set4)).Simplify()); Console.WriteLine(ElementInSet(4, Union(set1, set4))); Console.WriteLine(ElementInSet(4, Union(set1, set4)).Simplify()); Console.WriteLine(ElementInSet(9.5, Union(set1, set4))); Console.WriteLine(ElementInSet(9.5, Union(set1, set4)).Simplify()); Console.WriteLine("----------------------"); Console.WriteLine(Intersection(set1, set2)); Console.WriteLine(Intersection(set1, set2).Simplify()); Console.WriteLine("----------------------"); Console.WriteLine(Intersection(set2, set3)); Console.WriteLine(Intersection(set2, set3).Simplify()); Console.WriteLine("----------------------"); var set5 = MathS.Interval(-3, 11); Console.WriteLine(Intersection(set3, set5)); Console.WriteLine(Intersection(set3, set5).Simplify()); Console.WriteLine(Union(set3, set5)); Console.WriteLine(Union(set3, set5).Simplify()); Console.WriteLine(SetSubtraction(set3, set5)); Console.WriteLine(SetSubtraction(set3, set5).Simplify()); Console.WriteLine("----------------------"); Entity syntax1 = @"{ 1, 2, 3 } /\ { 2, 3, 4 }"; Console.WriteLine(syntax1); Console.WriteLine(syntax1.Simplify()); Console.WriteLine("----------------------"); Entity syntax2 = @"5 in ([1; +oo) \/ { x : x < -4 })"; Console.WriteLine(syntax2); Console.WriteLine(syntax2.Simplify()); Console.WriteLine("----------------------"); Console.WriteLine(Intersection(Finite(pi, e, 6, 5.5m, 1 + 3 * i), Q)); Console.WriteLine(Intersection(Finite(pi, e, 6, 5.5m, 1 + 3 * i), Q).Simplify()); Console.WriteLine(Intersection(Finite(pi, e, 6, 5.5m, 1 + 3 * i), R)); Console.WriteLine(Intersection(Finite(pi, e, 6, 5.5m, 1 + 3 * i), R).Simplify()); Console.WriteLine(Intersection(Finite(pi, e, 6, 5.5m, 1 + 3 * i), C)); Console.WriteLine(Intersection(Finite(pi, e, 6, 5.5m, 1 + 3 * i), C).Simplify());
{ 1, 2, 3 } \/ { 2, 3, 4 } { 1, 2, 3, 4 } ---------------------- { 1, 2, 3 } \/ [-6; 2] { 3 } \/ [-6; 2] ---------------------- { 1, 2, 3 } \/ { x : 100 > x ^ 2 and x ^ 2 > 81 } 3 in { 1, 2, 3 } \/ { x : 100 > x ^ 2 and x ^ 2 > 81 } True 4 in { 1, 2, 3 } \/ { x : 100 > x ^ 2 and x ^ 2 > 81 } False 19/2 in { 1, 2, 3 } \/ { x : 100 > x ^ 2 and x ^ 2 > 81 } True ---------------------- { 1, 2, 3 } /\ { 2, 3, 4 } { 2, 3 } ---------------------- { 2, 3, 4 } /\ [-6; 2] { 2 } ---------------------- [-6; 2] /\ [-3; 11] [-3; 2] [-6; 2] \/ [-3; 11] [-6; 11] [-6; 2] \ [-3; 11] [-6; -3) ---------------------- { 1, 2, 3 } /\ { 2, 3, 4 } { 2, 3 } ---------------------- 5 in [1; +oo) \/ { x : x < -4 } True ---------------------- { pi, e, 6, 11/2, 1 + 3i } /\ QQ { 6, 11/2 } { pi, e, 6, 11/2, 1 + 3i } /\ RR { pi, e, 6, 11/2 } { pi, e, 6, 11/2, 1 + 3i } /\ CC { pi, e, 6, 11/2, 1 + 3i }
A finite set is a set whose elements can be counted and enumerated
This node represents whether the given element is in the set
Finds the intersection of two sets
It is true that an entity is in an intersection if it is in both of intersection's operands
An interval represents all numbres in between two Entities
LeftClosed stands for whether Left is included
RightClosed stands for whether Right is included
Finds A & !B
It is true that an entity is in SetMinus if it is in Left but not in Right
Special set is something that cannot be easily expressed in other
types of sets.
Unites two sets
It is true that an entity is in a union if it is at least in one of union's operands
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