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 Method (no overloads)


All constants, no matter multiplied or divided, are numerator's coefficients:
2 * x / 3 => num: 2 / 3

All entities that contain x and have a real negative power are denominator's multipliers
2 / (x + 3) => den: [x + 3]
2 / ((x^(-1) + 3) * (x2 + 1)) => den: [x^(-1) + 3, x2 + 1]

All entities that have complex power are considered as product of an entity with a real power
and an entity whole power's real part is 0
x ^ (-1 + 2i) => num: x ^ (2i), den: [x]
x ^ (3 - 2i) => num: x ^ (3 - 2i), den: []

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