Method (no overloads)
So that the final list of powers contains power = 0 and all powers >= 0
(e. g. if the dictionaty's keys are 3, 4, 6, the final answer will contain keys
0, 1, 3, if the dictionary's keys are -2, 0, 3, the final answer will contain keys
0, 2, 5)
(e. g. if the dictionaty's keys are 3, 4, 6, the final answer will contain keys
0, 1, 3, if the dictionary's keys are -2, 0, 3, the final answer will contain keys
0, 2, 5)
Parameter "monomials"
Dictionary to process. Key - power, value - coefficient of the corresponding term
Whether all initial powers where > 0 (if so, x = 0 is a root)
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