Method (no overloads)
Extracts a polynomial with integer powers
Parameter "expr"
From which to extract the polynomial
Parameter "variable"
Over which variable to extract the polynomial
Parameter "dst"
Where to put the dictionary, whose keys
are powers, and values - coefficients
are powers, and values - coefficients
Whether the input expression is a valid polynomial
using System;
using AngouriMath;
using static AngouriMath.MathS.Utils;
Entity expr = "(x^2 + 2)(a + b + 2x) + x + sin(h)";
if (TryGetPolynomial(expr, "x", out var dict))
foreach (var (pow, coef) in dict)
Console.WriteLine($"Pow: {pow}. Coef: {coef}");
Entity expr1 = "sin(x) + a";
if (TryGetPolynomial(expr1, "x", out var dict1))
foreach (var (pow, coef) in dict1)
Console.WriteLine($"Pow: {pow}. Coef: {coef}");
Console.WriteLine("Failed to interpret as polynomial");
Entity expr2 = "(x + a)(b + x) + a + 2 + x";
if (TryGetPolyQuadratic(expr2, "x", out var a, out var b, out var c))
Console.WriteLine($"The expr is ({a}) * x^2 + ({b}) * x + ({c})");
Entity expr3 = "(b + x) + a + 2 + x";
if (TryGetPolyLinear(expr3, "x", out var a1, out var b1))
Console.WriteLine($"The expr is ({a1}) * x + ({b1})");
Pow: 2. Coef: 1 * 1 ^ 2 * a + 1 * 1 ^ 2 * b
Pow: 3. Coef: 1 * 1 ^ 2 * 2
Pow: 0. Coef: 2 * a + 2 * b + sin(h)
Pow: 1. Coef: 1 * 2 * 2 + 1
Failed to interpret as polynomial
The expr is (1 * 1 ^ 2) * x^2 + (1 * b + 1 * a + 1) * x + (a * b + a + 2)
The expr is (1 + 1) * x + (b + a + 2)
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