Method (no overloads)
For two-argument nodes
Used in InnerSimplify and InnerEval
Allows to avoid looking over all the combinations with piecewise, tensor, finiteset
Used in InnerSimplify and InnerEval
Allows to avoid looking over all the combinations with piecewise, tensor, finiteset
Parameter "left"
Left argument
Parameter "right"
Right argument
Parameter "operation"
That is the main switch for the types. It must return null if no suitable couple of types is found,
so that the method could move on to the matrix choice
so that the method could move on to the matrix choice
Parameter "defaultCtor"
If no suitable case in switch found, it should return the default node, for example, for sum it would be
(a, b) => a + b
Parameter "checkIfExactEvaled"
Check if the number is exact and, if so, return it.
Parameter "allowNaNAsExact"
If check exact is enabled, then NaN will be exact if this
param is true ; it won't otherwise
param is true ; it won't otherwise
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