Method with 2 overloads
Finds the limit of the given expression over the given variable
Parameter "x"
The variable to be approaching
Parameter "destination"
A value where the variable approaches. It might be a symbolic
expression, a finite number, or an infinite number, for example,
"sqrt(x2 + x) / (3x + 3)".Limit("x", "+oo", ApproachFrom.BothSides)
Parameter "side"
From where to approach it: from the left, from the right,
or BothSides, implying that if limits from either are not
equal, there is no limit
Finds the limit of the given expression over the given variable
Parameter "x"
The variable to be approaching
Parameter "destination"
A value where the variable approaches. It might be a symbolic
expression, a finite number, or an infinite number, for example,
"sqrt(x2 + x) / (3x + 3)".Limit("x", "+oo")
using System; using static AngouriMath.MathS; var (x, a) = Var("x", "a"); var expr = (1 + a / x).Pow(x); Console.WriteLine(expr); Console.WriteLine(expr.Limit(x, +oo)); Console.WriteLine("----------------------"); var expr1 = Sin(x * a) / x; Console.WriteLine(expr1); Console.WriteLine(expr1.Limit(x, +oo)); Console.WriteLine("----------------------"); var expr2 = (a * Sqr(x) + x + Sqr(a)) / (3 * x + 5 * Sqr(x) + 9); Console.WriteLine(expr2); Console.WriteLine(expr2.Limit(x, 0)); Console.WriteLine("----------------------"); var expr3 = (a * Sqr(x) + x + Sqr(a)) / (3 * x + 5 * Sqr(x) + 9); Console.WriteLine(expr3); Console.WriteLine(expr3.Limit(x, +oo));
(1 + a / x) ^ x e ^ a ---------------------- sin(x * a) / x limit(sin(x * a) / x, x, +oo) ---------------------- (a * x ^ 2 + x + a ^ 2) / (3 * x + 5 * x ^ 2 + 9) a ^ 2 / 9 ---------------------- (a * x ^ 2 + x + a ^ 2) / (3 * x + 5 * x ^ 2 + 9) a / 5
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